Lifecycle Management - Obsolescence

Obsolescence planning is a critical component of every program. Teledyne e2v’s Semiconductor Lifecycle Management program (SLiM) provides long-term, proactive assurance of continuity of supply for critical components. SLiM supports platform life extension helping our customers avoid the need for expensive redesign and requalification when an original component becomes obsolete during the lifetime of the system, and offers the potential for improved integrity, counterfeit avoidance, lower costs, and reduced risk over the lifetime of the assets.

This new standard in semiconductor obsolescence management provides:
  • A wide range of semiconductor products
  • Redesign and re-engineering facilities
  • Wafer and device banking for lifetime continuity of supply
  • High-reliability test and packaging services
  • Protection against counterfeit risks
  • DLA-qualified manufacturer listing

For U.S.-sourced products, visit Teledyne e2v HiRel using these buttons

With 35 years experience in die banking, repackaging and testing of available product, and re-engineering of hi-rel designs, Teledyne e2v can help manage obsolescence of key semiconductor components at the start of or through the life of a program.


Click here to access to Teledyne e2v's PCN & EOL Policy for Semiconductor products 


Document name Product category Description File
GC242171 MicroProcessors Supplier Communication on Change of Electrical Test Platform for PC8548 series
GC243391 Data Converters PCN on EV12AQ600 GH migration to lead-free bumps
GC230149 Data Converters PCN on EV12AQ600/605 migration to lead-free bumps
GC222043 Data Converters FPBGA Encapsulation site change for EV12DS130/400/460/480 & EV10DS130
GC211283 Data converters PCN Ink to laser marking conversion
GC203761 Microprocessors New flux and underfill materials for the TSPC603R, PC745/755 and PC107
GC202674 Processors PCN TS6840 change of trays
GC191443 Processors PC8245/8260/8265 Encapsulation process change
GC191456 Semiconductors PCN Ink to laser marking conversion (follow)
GC192801 Data converters FPBGA Encapsulation site change for EV10DS130 & EV12DS130
GC184160 Data converters PCN on EV12AS350 evolution to revision B.
GC184059 Processors PCN on PC7448 Maximum Junction Temperature
GC182851 Data converters PCN - Revision change from EV12AD550A to EV12AD550B
GC183122 Processors PCN on Migration of PC5674F
GC174751 Processors PCN Ink to laser marking conversion
GC170751 Processors PCN on PC8640 migration to lead-free bumps
GC163151 Processors Product Bulletin on change of FCPBGA lid type for PC8572 family
GC152051 Data converters PCN - New die version for 12 bits 1.5 GSps EV12AS200xx ADC
GC151515 Data converters PCN - Transfer of Assembly site for data converter products in EBGA package
GC151551 Processors PCN on PC8548 rev3 migration to lead-free C4 bumps
GC144951 Processors PCN on SnPb reballing for PC837x, P2020, P3041, P2041 & P4080
GC140452 Processors PCN on PC745BVGH350LE change of die variant.
GC140451 Processors PCN on P4080 manufacturing change to rev.3
GC140351 Processors PCN on TS68C429 product family process migration


Document name Product category Description File
GE232153 Data Converters EOL for EV12AD550 series
GE231481 Microprocessors EOL for PC8548E series
GE224891 Data converters EOL for EV12AS200A series
GE224251 Microprocessors EOL for TS68C429 series
GE224363 Data converters EOL for EV12AS350 series


Microprocessors EOL for PC7447 PC7448 series
GE221059 Microprocessors EOL for QT1040 series
GE213763 Microprocessors EOL for PC8349 series
GE211649 Memories EOL for 4Mb MRAM EV2A08A series
GE210954 Processors EOL for P10xx, P20xx, P30xx, P40xx, PC837x, PC8548, PC8572, PC8640 series
GE204233 Microprocessors EOL for TSPC860xxx series including TSPC860SRVZQYU66D
GE204087 Data converters EOL for EV8AQ165
GE203755 Data converters EOL for EV8AQ160
GE202341 Microprocessors EOL – PC8270/80 End of Life notification
GE193826 Processors EOL GE193826 P5020 Microprocessors
GE182819 Processors EOL for part no. PC8349VTPALFB
GE184051 Processors EOL Nb GE184051 for PC8245 8260 8265 8610 Microprocessors
GE184153 Processors EOL Nb GE184153 for PC8540 Microprocessors
GE172501 Semiconductors EOL for processors and data converters
GE173622 Processors EOL - PC7410 and PC7457 end of life notification
GE174171 Data converters EOL - AT84AD004BVEPW and AT84AD004BCEPW end of life notification
GB161551 Processors Product Bulletin Information on PC755xx and PC745xx extended availability
GE151151 Processors EOL of SnPb PC8572 variant and migration to leadfree
GE134851 Processors EOL - TS68040 end of life notification
GE0130454 Processors EOL for all PC107 part-numbers
GE102401 Processors EOL - TS68C000, TS68020, TS68882, 2010 End of life notification
GE093101 Processors EOL of all TSPC603R and PCX8240 devices
GE073101 Processors EOL - PC7410 CBGA 2008 End of life notification
GE061207 Data Converters EOL for AT84 GL and TP series

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What will happen next
When you submit this form, your data will be sent to our marketing team in charge of managing all semiconductor PCN and EOL notifications. The team will enlist you into our PCN and EOL subscribers list, you will then receive all future PCNs and EOLs notifications for the product families that you have selected. We operate in compliance with EN/AS9100 standards, and with GDPR regulations. Thank you - Nicolas Chantier - Marketing Director - Data and Signal Processing Solutions.